Знак Association of international students is a self-governing, voluntary organization that does not pursue political or commercial goals. It was created so that foreign students could unite to solve a number of problems related to study, life, recreation, to improve their intellectual and cultural level, physical education and sports, help with medical care, legal and social protection.

The Association was formed on the initiative of foreign students themselves, with the support of universities and the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation. On May 29, 1996, AIS was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration number YR 28.

AIS carries out its activities in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the charter of the Association.

AIS activity is open in nature for foreign students, public organizations of foreign students, as well as for state, joint-stock and other organizations of the Russian Federation.


The main goals and objectives of the AIS:

  • assistance in strengthening and deepening mutual understanding between foreign students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, their public organizations and administrations, public education governing bodies;
  • assistance to foreign students in their professional training, representation and protection of the legal rights and interests of foreign students studying in the Russian Federation;
  • promoting mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of all countries


To achieve these goals, the Association solves the following tasks:

Президент АИС Исса Шаабо
 AIS President Issa Shaabo
  • organizes objective informing of Russian citizens and the world community about the situation of foreign students, the activities of their organization through the media;
  • provides material and legal assistance to foreign students in the Russian Federation;
  • provides scholarships on behalf of the Association for training young people from foreign countries in educational institutions of Russia;
  • conducts excursions and other activities in order to familiarize foreign students with the historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, promote cultural and humanitarian exchange between student youth in Russia and foreign countries;
  • contributes to the improvement of regulations and documents defining the legal status of foreign students in the Russian Federation;
  • establishes contacts with organizations and associations of foreign students studying in other countries, as well as with non-governmental international organizations;
  • develops ties with associations of graduates of Russian educational institutions.


Universities - at AIS shareholders


AIS Branches

Currently there are 27 branches of the Association of International Students in different cities of Russia. The number of universities connected to our program increases every year. Check if there is an AIS branch in your city using an inactive map.

  Branches of the Association of International Students

Who can become a member of the AIS?

All those who wish to assist the activities of the Association.

Foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. As well as employees of educational institutions, representatives of ministries and departments involved in the education of foreign citizens in Russia.


 Address: 117198 Russia, Moscow, Miklouho-Maklaya street, 6

 Telephone: +7 977 881 1031

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Website: https://fsa.rudn.ru/




Miklukho-Maklaya str, 6, Moscow, 117198
+7 977 881 1031